What is the WB Cash Course?
Browse through our WB Cash Course content! We wanted to give everyone accessibility to the basics of banking, so browse the topics for more information for everything money related.

Seven Tips to Establish Good Savings Habits
This resource is great at any age! Learn how to budget, determining your wants vs. needs and what bank products can best suit you.

Getting Out of Debt Is Possible
Getting out of debt may seem like an impossible task, we are here to help. Check out the article below for more tips on how to get out of debt and stick to your financial goals.

Budgeting for the Real World
Learn how to budget for not just the big items, but all of the small expenses in between. This downloadable sheet helps provide guidance on all of the possible expenses you can imagine running into in the real world.

Why Your Money is Safer in a Bank
Alternatives to a bank account, like keeping your money at home, places you at risk of losing your cash to burglary, theft, fire, floods, or other potential disasters. Plus, if you hide it somewhere, there’s always a chance you may forget where you put it, and you’ll never earn a dime on it. Learn how keeping your money in a bank is actually a safer option.

Your New Home's To-Do List
There's always a million items to do when you have a home, just add it to the list! Fortunately, we consolidated that list to the top six things that you should think of as you settle into your new home.